[Linux-HA] ERROR: Both machines own our resources!
2005-01-21 15:22:00 UTC
Problem: I am getting this message in my log file roughly every 30
minutes when both nodes are online.

heartbeat[18705]: ERROR: Both machines own our resources!

heartbeat[18705]: ERROR: Both machines own foreign resources!

The OS is Redhat 9, installed from the Ultramonkey rpms.

Here is the ha.cf:


# /etc/ha.d/ha.cf


# ha.cf file to configure two nodes connected by ethernet (eth0) and

logfacility local0

keepalive 2

deadtime 10

warntime 10

initdead 10

nice_failback on

mcast eth0 694 1 1

node lvs1

node lvs2

Here is the haresources:

lvs1 ldirectord

lvs1 ldirectord

Has anyone encountered this before.



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Lars Marowsky-Bree
2005-01-21 16:19:28 UTC
Post by anocentino
Problem: I am getting this message in my log file roughly every 30
minutes when both nodes are online.
heartbeat[18705]: ERROR: Both machines own our resources!
heartbeat[18705]: ERROR: Both machines own foreign resources!
The log messages you provide are not sufficient. Which version of
heartbeat are you running, and what messages are leading up to this?
Please provide the full log from start to the problem.

(Oh, and please do not post in HTML format!)
Post by anocentino
logfacility local0
keepalive 2
deadtime 10
warntime 10
initdead 10
These timings are bad. warntime should be lower than deadtime, and
initdead a couple of times higher than deadtime.
Post by anocentino
nice_failback on
mcast eth0 694 1 1
node lvs1
node lvs2
Do the nodes actually communicate over this link?
Post by anocentino
lvs1 ldirectord
lvs1 ldirectord
This is not good. You're starting "ldirectord" twice.

Lars Marowsky-Br?e <lmb at suse.de>
High Availability & Clustering
SUSE Labs, Research and Development
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH - A Novell Business